Hurling With The Stars

Recently, in the information field, it is becoming more and more frequent when you can find a mention of the initiative under the interesting name “Hurling with the Stars”. But many are still looking for an answer to the question of what the essence is, how it is conducted, what it gives, and so on. Our team tried to find an answer to this question.

What Is Hurling?

If you are asking this question, then we even envy you a little – how many interesting things you will have to study in the near future. Well, we can say with full confidence that Hurling is transmitted along with the DNA of the parents to the child. Hurling is a team sport of Celtic origin, belonging to the Gaelic games. The game is played with wooden stick and a ball. It is in Ireland that this game has become so widespread.

What Are The Rules?

There are 15 players on the field at the same time, each of whom is armed with a wooden stick – hurley, the length of which can reach up to one meter. The ball is made of leather. The playing field is also quite large – up to 150 meters long and up to 100 meters wide. The teams play in two halves of 35 minutes each. If the ball falls to the ground, you need to pick it up or hit it with a stick or with your feet. It is not allowed to lift the ball with your hand. The team that scores the most points wins.

hurling rules

Impact On The Society

The main goal of this initiative, organized by Ballyhale, is to attract global attention to this game and raise money for the improvement and modernization of G.A.A. facilities for holding matches in Ballyhale.

Initiatives to promote the national games are extremely important. They have a positive impact on the formation of the national spirit and the formation of values among people. And we, as an Irish company, the Lucky Irish Casinos, are proud of such initiatives in supporting and popularizing Irish games. Let Irish speak to the world!

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